My Top Matches
UX, User Testing, Mobile UI, Front-End code
NCSA's proprietary system and personal coaches combined high school student preferences, athletic information, and academic information with college coach preferences to match students with schools we believed would be a good fit. 
User Flow for My Top Matches page in NCSA's web app.
Since the basic design for the desktop version of the My Top Matches page was being created by another team member, my task was to create a mobile experience that would allow users to access the full functionality of the desktop page and feel seamless for both top-tier premium users with more functionality and lower-tier paid users with fewer features.
Given that the list of top matches was likely to be quite long for most students, search functionality especially on mobile was key. Our top-tier users also trusted their personal coaches more than our algorithm, so I highlighted Coach Picks and made that a prioritized filter.
Thanks to user feedback, I paginated the list rather than use an infinite scroll so that it would be easier for users to go directly to a specific point in the list.
NCSA My Top Matches page - mobile screenshot.
NCSA My Top Matches page - mobile view.
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